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9215 Bally Court
Rancho Cucamonga, CA

(909) 725-3353

Fundraising for you organization could not be easier.  Our experienced staff at can help you get the products you need to sell for your organization




We are excited to announce our new online fundraising options for your school and groups. We offer several options that include World’s Finest Chocolate and a variety of other California school approved fundraisers.

Welcome to CalRaise.

For forty years we have helped families, churches, sports leagues, and hundreds of area schools raise money for their fundraising needs. What was once a one person operation is now full service fundraising company serving all of Southern California featuring a variety of products maximizing your profits. Our goal at CalRaise is to provide the best service possible which includes customizing a fundraiser for you specific group. We offer a variety of prize programs that help you make the most out of every fundraiser.

Whether you are a school, league, church, or private family we have a fundraiser for you that will help you raise the money you need.

Thank you.

Theron Conley, President


As always feel free to contact me directly at 909-725-3353 or email me here.

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