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9215 Bally Court
Rancho Cucamonga, CA

(909) 725-3353

Fundraising for you organization could not be easier.  Our experienced staff at can help you get the products you need to sell for your organization

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Boon Supply

Boon Supply is our newest offering for anything from a single family fundraiser to a school wide. Boon Supply has mastered the catalog fundraiser and here is how it works:

  1. We set you up with an online fundraising catalog giving you 40% profit for your fundraiser.

  2. You and your sellers send out the link to your fundraiser using your email, text, or social media.

  3. They go to the link revealing your fundraiser and its products.

  4. Once a purchase is made their product is immediately mailed to them directly like it would when ordering from Amazon.

  5. That’s it. No product to hand out, sort, and no damaged product like with other fundraisers.