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9215 Bally Court
Rancho Cucamonga, CA

(909) 725-3353

Fundraising for you organization could not be easier.  Our experienced staff at can help you get the products you need to sell for your organization


School Fundraising

CalRaise and World’s Finest Chocolate for any school fundraising

If you are looking for a fundraiser for your school or a group within your school, look no further! Every school-approved fundraiser for any public or private school never pays for the chocolate up front - all schools are given automatic credit terms for 30 days after delivery.

Ask about our FREE kickoffs and prize programs! All programs are customized for your students’ specific needs.

The CalRaise Difference

  • 38-50% profit

  • 30-day payment terms for public and private school-approved fundraisers

  • Unopened and undamaged cases of chocolate may be returned within 60 days of delivery for a fee

  • We help you pay for your group’s prize program!

  • 3 to 5 day delivery

Choose from our classic in-hand chocolate products!

$1 Variety Case

$2 Variety Case


Customize Fundraiser

Step 1: Create the perfect fundraiser for your school. Set your fundraising goal to determine the quantity of chocolate needed. Decide on a prize program to motivate students and families to sell! Prize programs are free with prize chocolate!


Create the perfect prize program

Step 2: Obtain parent permission and utilize the prizes as incentives. Make daily announcements. Use social media and signs to publicize your sale.


Free Assemblies

Step 3: Motivate students to sell! Our free kickoff program inspires students to work toward the school goal! Watch Ninja Cat’s antics as he teaches students safety while selling!


Go Sell

Step 4: Collect money and enjoy the prizes students have earned!