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9215 Bally Court
Rancho Cucamonga, CA

(909) 725-3353

Fundraising for you organization could not be easier.  Our experienced staff at can help you get the products you need to sell for your organization


Otis Spunkmeyer

Welcome to our most popular frozen food brochure catalog.  Otis Spunkmeyer offers $18 items that may be delivered packed per student for no extra charge.  We help provide for the maximum amount of profit for your group.

  • 40% Profit

  • $18 Each Item (Seller collects payment)

  • Will Call Orders available for pick up at our Rancho Cucamonga warehouse.

  • Pack Per Student - Free with minimum order of 300 units.

  • Bulk Orders available for full cases

  • $60 delivery fee for any invoice order of $1500 or more. Orders with fewer amounts are $100 delivery.

  • Bulk Orders approximately 7-10 business days for availability. Pack Per Student orders approximately 20 days.

  • School Reports are automatically included with all Pack Per Student Orders. Additional 5 days for processing.

  • Free Brochures with confirmed fundraisers.

  • Payable upon delivery of product

The first step in running this fundraiser is to click “Reservation Form” and give a few details about your group wanting to fundraise.