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9215 Bally Court
Rancho Cucamonga, CA

(909) 725-3353

Fundraising for you organization could not be easier.  Our experienced staff at can help you get the products you need to sell for your organization

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The Best Value in Fundraising

·     30-day credit terms available

·     FREE chocolate to cover your prize program

·     Full credit for returned cases of unopened cases of chocolate within 60 days of delivery

·     Choose delivery (free chocolate provided to offset delivery charge) or pickup at our Rancho Cucamonga warehouse

·     Delivery within 3-5 days of ordering

·     Free personalization on orders of 100 or more cases (allow 30 days for delivery)



I am glad to meet with you and your board to determine your fundraising goal and the number of individuals who will be participating in the fundraiser.  This allows us to order the perfect amount of chocolate for your group.


We also will work together to customize a prize program to incentivize your players and families to sell more chocolate – and to increase your profit! Remember, your group will receive FREE chocolate to cover the cost of your prize program!

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The minimum order for any group is 8 cases.  If you plan to order fewer cases, ask about our local pick-up options!


Ordering 8-49 cases gives your group 40% profit; the cost per case is $36, giving you $24 profit per case.


If your group orders 50 cases or more, your profit is 45%, at a lower cost of $33 per case. If your original order is 50 or more cases, you may order any additional cases at the lower cost within 90 days of the original order.


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Once we determine your fundraising goal and the number of participants, we will place your order for the appropriate number of cases. Most orders are available within 3-5 days.


You may choose delivery (free chocolate is provided to offset the delivery charge), or you may pick up your order at our warehouse located in Rancho Cucamonga.  


If you wish to personalize your order of 100 or more cases, please allow 30 days for delivery.


At the end of the sale, your group will receive full credit for unopened cases of chocolate within 60 days of delivery.



Your group may pay up front with a credit card, or you may apply for credit with World’s Finest Chocolate. If your group is approved for credit, payment is due within 30 days of delivery or pickup.


Since the typical fundraiser lasts about 3 weeks, this gives your group time to sell, collect money, and submit payment.


We are glad to present information to your board, booster club, or parent group!  We will work with you during each step of your fundraiser to ensure that your sale is simple and profitable.


For additional information, call us directly:

(909) 725-3353 or (951) 201-3512
