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9215 Bally Court
Rancho Cucamonga, CA

(909) 725-3353

Fundraising for you organization could not be easier.  Our experienced staff at can help you get the products you need to sell for your organization


Family Fundraising


We have partnered with Sketchlyfe Studio located in the City of Yucaipa at 34664 County Line Road, Yucaipa CA 92399. Sketchlyfe Studio gets weekly deliveries for small or large groups and is designed for easy and safe pick up for families and friends.

The cost of each case is the same as buying it directly from the factory and allows for maximum profit. The cost of each case is $36 and with the purchase of 25 cases you are allowed one free case of chocolate to help increase the profit we all need in todays climate.

How it works:

Go to the store below during business hours and purchase as many or as few cases as you need to help your family. Payments may be made with cash or money order. There are no taxes that apply and you only pay for the chocolate at the normal price.

Get 40% profit for your fundraiser and for you needs. No need to pay more.

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